Recent titles
- BSBI eBooks, launched in September 2024.
- Plant Atlas 2020 by Pete Stroh, Kevin Walker, Tom Humphrey, Oli Pescott & Rich Burkmar: published March 2023: find out more.
- BSBI Handbook #24 Alchemilla: Lady's-mantles of Britain and Ireland by Mark Lynes: published April 2022: find out more.
- BSBI Handbook #23 Field Handbook to British and Irish Dandelions by John Richards: published October 2021: find out more.
- BSBI Handbook #22 Broomrapes of Britain & Ireland by Chris Thorogood & Fred Rumsey: published May 2021: find out more.
- Grassland plants of the British and Irish lowlands: ecology, threats and management by Pete Stroh, Kevin Walker, Stuart Smith, Richard Jefferson, Clare Pinches & Tim Blackstock: published November 2019: find out more.
- Vegetative Key to the British Flora 2nd edition by John Poland & Eric Clement: published January 2020: find out more.
Threatened Plants in Britain and Ireland
Threatened Plants in Britain and Ireland by Kevin Walker, Pete Stroh & Bob Ellis (the BSBI Science Team) was published in November 2017. The first print run sold out within a few weeks and by popular demand, it was reprinted in May 2018 and is also available as an eBook. Read more about the book here. It was based on survey work carried out over five years under the Threatened Plants Project by more than 800 BSBI members and considers the fortunes of 50 British wild flowers. Read an interview with lead author Kevin Walker here.
The Hybrid Flora of the British Isles
The Hybrid Flora of the British Isles by Clive Stace, Chris Preston & David Pearman was published in 2015. Find out about the book here. Copies are available from Summerfield Books. The three co-authors of the The Hybrid Flora of the British Isles were awarded the Engler Silver Medal in recognition of their outstanding achievement: more here.

The Discovery of the Native Flora of Britain & Ireland
The Discovery of the Native Flora of Britain & Ireland by David Pearman was published in November 2017, with a pre-publication offer available to BSBI members only. Find out about the book here, read an interview with David here and buy a copy of the book here.
England Red List
A Vascular Plant Red List for England (known as the England Red List) was published in 2014 by Pete Stroh et al. It was launched at an event at RBG Kew: find out more here. The England Red List is available as a BSBI eBook or to buy from Summerfield Books; it is also available as a free download here.

Sell & Murrell's Flora
Sell & Murrell's five-volume Flora of Great Britain and Ireland is not a BSBI publication but Gina Murrell and Tim Sell, son of the late Peter Sell, very kindly made Peter's discussion on variation (from volume 1) available to BSBI members and authorised a 20% discount on all five volumes. Find out more here and here and read tributes to Peter on our Obituaries page.

Summerfield Books
BSBI's agent for sales of our Handbooks, titles such as the Hybrid Flora and other botanical books is Paul O’Hara of Summerfield Books. Contact Paul to sign up for Summerfield Books' quarterly newsletter.
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