Welcome to the page for our current appeal, aimed at supporting the vital work of our recorders.
After the success of Plant Atlas 2020, we want to ensure that our digital systems support recorders' needs, that we provide relevant training and opportunities, and that we are advancing projects that achieve significant impact through using our data for botanical conservation.
To achieve this we are opening a new appeal, to increase the capacity of the BSBI to focus on this work. We want to raise £10,000 to deliver this, and hope to see real impact on the amount of support available in a short time.
Every donation will make a difference.
What we want to do
- Develop new and emergent recorders through support, training and mentorship.
- Provide training and trainer opportunities for all recorders.
- Ensure our software and database support recorders’ needs, and that there is training and help available on their use.
- Advance projects that make a meaningful contribution to botanical conservation through science and data collection.
Progress so far
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have already exceeded our original goal of £10,000. Because of this generosity, we have now raised our target to £15,000, which would allow us to achieve even more.
We are extremely grateful to the estate and family of the late Clive Lovatt, County Recorder for West Gloucestershire, for their foundational support for this appeal, and to all others who have supported it.
Other ways to give
By cheque - please make payable to BSBI and post to:
Julie Etherington (BSBI Finance Manager)
Church Folde,
2 New Street,
L40 2QP
United Kingdom
By bank transfer - our bank details are:
Account Name: Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00023758
Through CAF Donate - BSBI accepts all forms of donations through CAF Donate, including CAF Vouchers and Account Payments.
To donate through CAF, please follow this link.
CAF Cheques or Vouchers should be posted to the address above.
Through easyfundraising - register here and easily raise free funds for BSBI while shopping online at over 7,000 brands.
Donate Online
Choose your preferred currency and donate online:
Gift Aid
As a charity, BSBI can claim Gift Aid on all eligible donations, increasing their value by 25% at no additional cost to the donor.
If you are a donor who has not yet signed a Gift Aid declaration with us, please complete a Gift Aid form (available as either a pdf or a Word doc) - so BSBI can reclaim tax from your payment.
Past Campaigns
The Atlas Appeal
Plant Atlas 2020 officially launched in March 2023, the most in-depth survey of British and Irish flora ever undertaken. This was only possible thanks to the tireless work of BSBI recorders and the generosity of BSBI members, donors, supporters and partners.