BSBI Periodicals

BSBI currently publishes five main periodicals - two are members-only, printed and/ or emailed out, and the others are available to everyone online:

We also publish four country bulletins. Scroll down to find out about copy deadlines, if you are interested in contributing to any of these periodicals, and to learn how you can access them. Or take a look at this poster. And don't forget that you can keep up with all the latest news from BSBI via our News & Views blog and headlines on our news page.

*NEW* Did you know that you can now sign up to receive digital copies of any or all of our country newsletters, emailed straight to your Inbox? Just fill in this form and select your preferences!

British & Irish Botany

British & Irish Botany is BSBI's Open Access scientific journal, which replaced New Journal of Botany. Launched in February 2019, British & Irish Botany is free of charge and available to everyone, whether or not you are a BSBI member. This blogpost tells you about issue 5.3 of the journal, published in December 2023.

Visit the British & Irish Botany website to register as a reader or author, to view the latest issue or to submit a paper. Once you've registered (very quick and easy!), you can either use the simple and straightforward online submission system or send your manuscript to the Editorial Office and we'll do it all for you.

We encourage all British and Irish botanists to consider publishing with us: contact Editor-in-Chief Dr Stuart Desjardins to discuss your proposal.


BSBI's much-loved membership newsletter BSBI News is published three times a year, in January, April and September, and print copies are mailed out to all our  members. An electronic version is also available via our password-protected members-only area. The Editor until November 2019 was Andrew Branson, a long-term BSBI member who was also the former editor of the very popular and prestigious British Wildlife. John Norton has now taken over from Andrew and his first issue as Editor was published in January 2020.

Read about the most recent (September 2020) issue of BSBI News here and then head over here to join BSBI and start receiving issues on a regular basis. You can also view or download a sample issue and we make one full article from each issue available to all.

If you'd like to see the sample issues or the free article, or submit an article, or if you'd like to advertise in BSBI News, head over to our BSBI News page.

Recorder eNewsletter

Our monthly Recorder eNewsletter (formerly known as BSBI eNews) is available to everyone, whether or not you are a BSBI member, either by using this link to subscribe, or else you can download it here.

Recorder eNewsletter comes out at the start of each month and is aimed at active botanical recorders, with resources and links to help you record wild flowers and contribute to BSBI research projects such as Atlas 2020.

BSBI eNewsletter

Our mid-monthly digital Newsletter, launched in December 2020, delivers highlights of BSBI projects, activities, fundraising, news & events direct to your Inbox. BSBI eNewsletter is the ideal way for busy people to stay abreast of what's happening in BSBI - it's free and you can sign up for it here.

Country newsletters & bulletins

BSBI also publishes four annual periodicals covering news, plant records and many other botanical delights from across the countries:

BSBI would like to express its sincere thanks to these six editors who carry out their editorial duties in an entirely voluntary capacity. We are very grateful for their hard work over time and commend them on their excellent periodicals. Take a look and see if you agree!

BSBI Yearbook

The BSBI Yearbook is available only to members of the society. It includes reports of field meetingsobituaries of notable British & Irish botanists and full contact details for all BSBI's County Recorders and our network of 100+ expert plant Referees.

New Journal of Botany and the BSBI Publications Archive

We also have archives from our former publications New Journal of Botany (NJB) and its predecessor, Watsonia. NJB was published from 2011 to 2017; papers are still available but only to BSBI members - sorry! Find out more here.

Check out our Publications Archive for back copies of Watsonia 1949-2010; Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles 1954-1969; BSBI Conference Reports 1950-2012; Botanical Exchange Club reports 1867-1946; and the original Journal of Botany 1834-1940.

You can also find back copies of the old style BSBI News 1972-2014 but for the new look BSBI News you'll have to join the society.

The Society is grateful to all the authors, editors and reviewers who have contributed to Watsonia, New Journal of Botany and all our other periodicals since our inception in 1836.

Deadlines for contributing to BSBI periodicals

Copy Deadline Publication date Subject Periodical
Mid-January Spring Contributions for Spring issue Welsh Bulletin
Early February April/ Spring Contributions Scottish Newsletter
Late February Late April/ early May Contributions for Spring issue BSBI News
Early April ? Contributions English Botanical News
Early May Autumn Contributions for autumn issue Welsh Bulletin
Late July Late September/ early October Contributions for Autumn issue BSBI News
Early December January Field Meeting reports for 2025 Yearbook
Early December January Field Meetings for 2026 (full details) Yearbook
Late December Late January/ early February Contributions for Winter issue BSBI News
End December Spring Contributions Irish Botanical News

Deadlines for online newsletters:

Recorder eNewsletter – normally four days before the last Friday of the month

BSBI mid-monthly eNewsletter - normally four days before the middle Friday of the month