Oxfordshire has a botanical group, the Oxfordshire Flora Group, which grew out of former rare plants groups, and the conservation of rare plants remains a core activity. Of the many species the group works on are the nationally important Oxfordshire populations of Cotswold pennycress, creeping marshwort, downy woundwort, fen violet and meadow clary.
The OFG keeps up an active and varied field programme, including rare plant monitoring, training, visits to nature reserves and surveys of the wider countryside. The ANHSO Education Group also runs a series of plant ID courses annually – for more information about these courses go to their website.
For programmes of activities please visit the OFG website, or the Google calendar maintained by the County Recorder here.
If you are interested in botany in Oxfordshire do please contact the County Recorder, David Morris – he would be delighted to hear from you! See the County Recorder’s blog for accounts of local goings-on.
County Recorder
The County Recorder's occasional blog is here.
Local Botany Group
Previous Floras
All five of the previous Floras of Oxfordshire are available online: