Field Meetings
Our botanical meetings will start at 10 a.m. and finish at about 3.30 p.m. or when everybody has had enough. Please bring sandwiches and drinks. Walking will be limited to a couple of miles. Here is the Warwickshire programme of provisional field meetings for 2025, or contact Anna and April for more information.
You do not need to be member of the BSBI or anything else to come along. You can be a beginner or an expert, and just interested in identifying and finding plants. Please bring field guides and a lens if you have them. If you want any more information please email Anna and April at
Warwickshire Flora Group
Our plans are to establish systems for recording throughout the county and to encourage local botanists to start networking again through a series of Field Meetings.
A Rare Plant Register was published in 2018 - follow the link on the right to access your copy.
2009 saw the publication of Warwickshire’s Wildflowers by Steven J. Falk from Warwickshire Museum. This was the first comprehensive account of the county’s native and naturalised plants for 30 years. The first half of the book covers the history of plant recording in the county and gives detailed information on habitats, the second half is a checklist that gives the status of nearly 1800 plants that have been seen within the vice-county.
The book is available from booksellers and from Warwick Museum, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4SA.

- Newsletter No. 22 (March 2022)
- Newsletter No. 21 (March 2021)
- Newsletter No. 20 (December 2020)
- Newsletter No. 19 (November 2020)
- Newsletter No. 18 (April 2020)
- Newsletter No. 17 (November 2019)
- Newsletter No. 16 (March 2019)
- Newsletter No. 15 (November 2018)
- Newsletter No. 14 (November 2017)
- Newsletter No. 13 (March 2017)
- Newsletter No. 12 (December 2016)
- Newsletter No. 11 (March 2016)
- Newsletter No. 10 (December 2015)
- Newsletter No. 9 (March 2015)
- Newsletter No. 7 (March 2014)
- Newsletter No. 6 (December 2013)
- Newsletter No. 5 (March 2013)
- Newsletter No. 4 (December 2012)
- Newsletter No. 3 (March 2012)
- Newsletter No. 2 (December 2011)
- Newsletter No. 1 (March 2011)
County Recorders
Rare Plant Register
Click on the link to download the Rare Plant Register for Warks..
Paper copies are available from Warwickshire Biological Records Centre at £8 (including P&P); email or telephone 01926 418060 to request a copy.

- Article on square-bashing by John Roberts
- Warwickshire Checklist 2012
- Warwickshire’s rarest flowers. Report by James Partridge, c. 2002.