BSBI species accounts
The species accounts available on this page provide information on identification, habitat, biogeography, ecology, threats and suitable management for a range of threatened and nationally rare and scarce species that have experienced declines in recent years in Great Britain and Ireland. Many are listed as species of principal importance under Section 41 (England) or Section 42 (Wales) of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act (2006) or feature in the Scottish Biodiversity List.
The accounts provide a review of the available literature in an easily digestible read that we hope will be of interest to botanists, academics, conservationists and land managers alike. They are freely available to download and use, but we ask that a suitable citation is attached that follows the following format: Walker, K.J. & Stroh, P.A. 2014. Carex ericetorum Pollich. Rare Spring Sedge. Species account. [version and year accessed]. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland.
We would like to acknowledge Natural Resources Wales, Natural England and Scottish Natural Heritage for funding the production of these accounts. If you would like further information, please contact Pete Stroh.
Species accounts available to download.
To download an account, click on a species name listed in the Table below. The documents will be periodically updated, and additional accounts will be added to the page on completion. You can also still view c60 species accounts in our Species Accounts archive. *NEW for 2024* You can now also access 797 detailed species accounts prepared by County Recorder Ralph Forbes by visiting the Fermanagh Species Accounts.

Table of Species Accounts
Species name | Common name | GB status | England status | Wales status | NERC Act 2006 |
Ajuga pyramidalis | Pyramidal Bugle | VU | CR | Not present | S. 41 |
Alchemilla acutiloba | Starry Lady's-mantle | VU | VU | Not present | S.41 |
Alchemilla glomerulans | Clustered Lady's-mantle | VU | EN | not present | |
Alchemilla monticola | Velvet Lady's-mantle | EN | EN | Not present | S.41 |
Alchemilla subcrenata | Large-toothed Lady's-mantle | EN | EN | Not present | S.41 |
Allium oleraceum | Field Garlic | VU | LC | VU | |
Alopecurus magellanicus | Alpine Foxtail | LC | NT | Not present | |
Anacamptis morio | Green-winged Orchid | NT | VU | LC | |
Antennaria dioica | Mountain Everlasting | NC | VU | LC | |
Apium repens | Creeping Marshwort | VU | EN | Not present | |
Bartsia alpina | Alpine Bartsia | LC | VU | Not present | |
Betula nana | Dwarf Birch | LC | CR | Not present | |
Blysmus compressus | Flat-sedge | VU | VU | VU | S.41 & S.42 |
Carex elongata | Elongated Sedge | LC | NT | EN | |
Carex ericetorum | Rare Spring-sedge | VU | VU | Not present | S.41 |
Chamaemelum nobile | Chamomile | VU | VU | EN | S.41 & S.42 |
Cirsium heterophyllum | Melancholy Thistle | LC | NT | EN | |
Cirsium tuberosum | Tuberous Thistle | NT | NT | VU | |
Clinopodium acinos | Basil Thyme | VU | VU | VU | S.41 & S.42 |
Clinopodium calamintha | Lesser Calamint | LC | Not present | ||
Crepis mollis | Northern Hawk’s-beard | EN | VU | RE | S.41 |
Crepis praemorsa | Leafless Hawk's-beard | VU | Not present | ||
Dianthus armeria | Deptford Pink | EN | EN | VU | S.42 |
Dianthus deltoides | Maiden Pink | NT | VU | NT | |
Dianthus gratianopolitanus | Cheddar Pink | VU | VU | Not present | |
Dryas octopetala | Mountain Avens | LC | VU | EN | |
Epipactis atrorubens | Dark-red Helleborine | LC | LC | EN | |
Equisetum pratense | Shady Horsetail | LC | NT | Not present | |
Euphrasia pseudokerneri | Chalk Eyebright | EN | VU | VU | |
Festuca altissima | Wood Fescue | LC | LC | LC | |
Filago vulgaris | Common Cudweed | NT | NT | VU | |
Genista tinctoria | Dyer’s Greenweed | LC | VU | LC | |
Gentiana verna | Spring Gentian | LC | VU | Not present | |
Gentianella campestris | Field Gentian | VU | EN | EN | S.41 & S.42 |
Geranium sylvaticum | Wood Crane’s-bill | LC | NT | CR | |
Gnaphalium sylvaticum | Heath Cudweed | EN | EN | CR | |
Hammarbya paludosa | Bog Orchid | LC | VU | EN | S.42 |
Helianthemum apenninum | White Rock-rose | VU | VU | Not present | |
Helianthemum oelandicum subsp. levigatum | Hoary Rock-rose | VU | VU | Not present | S.41 |
Herminium monorchis | Musk Orchid | VU | EN | RE | S.41 |
Hypochaeris glabra | Smooth Cat’s-ear | VU | VU | LC | |
Iberis amara | Wild Candytuft | VU | VU | Not present | |
Juncus compressus | Round-fruited Rush | NT | VU | EN | |
Kobresia simpliciuscula | False Sedge | LC | LC | Not present | |
Lathyrus aphaca | Yellow Vetchling | VU | VU | ||
Lotus angustissimus | Slender bird's-foot-trefoil | NT | Not present | ||
Medicago minima | Bur Medick | VU | VU | ||
Mentha pulegium | Pennyroyal | EN | CR | CR | S.41 & S.42 |
Meum athamanticum | Spignel | NT | LC | VU | |
Minuartia hybrida | Fine-leaved Sandwort | EN | EN | Not present | S.41 |
Minuartia stricta | Teesdale Sandwort | VU | EN | Not present | |
Myosotis alpestris | Alpine Forget-me-not | NY | VU | Not present | |
Oenanthe fistulosa | Tubular Water-dropwort | VU | VU | LC | S.41 & S.42 |
Ophrys insectifera | Fly Orchid | VU | VU | VU | |
Orchis militaris | Military Orchid | VU | VU | Not present | |
Orobanche reticulata | Thistle Broomrape | NT | NT | Not present | |
Persicaria mitis | Tasteless Water-pepper | VU | VU | VU | |
Phleum alpinum | Alpine Cat’s-tail | LC | CR | Not present | |
Polygala amarella | Dwarf Milkwort | EN | EN | Not present | |
Potentilla argentea | Hoary Cinquefoil | NT | NT | VU | |
Potentilla crantzii | Alpine Cinquefoil | LC | LC | EN | |
Potentilla fruticosa | Shrubby Cinquefoil | NT | NT | Not present | |
Potentilla tabernaemontani | Spring Cinquefoil | LC | LC | LC | |
Pseudorchis albida | Small-white Orchid | VU | VU | CR | |
Radiola linoides | Allseed | NT | VU | LC | |
Ribes spicatum | Downy Currant | LC | LC | Not present | |
Rumex aquaticus | Scottish Dock | VU | Not present | Not present | |
Saxifraga granulata | Meadow Saxifrage | LC | LC | LC | |
Saxifraga hirculus | Marsh Saxifrage | VU | LC | Not present | S.41 |
Sedum villosum | Hairy Stonecrop | NT | VU | Not present | |
Seseli libanotis | Moon Carrot | NT | NT | Not present | |
Sibthorpia europaea | Cornish Moneywort | LC | LC | LC | |
Silene conica | Sand Catchfly | VU | EN | VU | |
Silene nutans | Nottingham Catchfly | NT | NT | NT | |
Silene otites | Spanish Catchfly | EN | EN | Not present | S.41 |
Spiranthes spiralis | Autumn Lady’s-tresses | NT | NT | LC | |
Teesdalia nudicaulis | Shepherd’s Cress | NT | NT | LC | |
Tephroseris integrifolia | Field Fleawort | EN | VU | VU (subsp. maritima) | yes |
Trollius europaeus | Globeflower | LC | LC | LC | S.42 |
Tuberaria guttata | Spotted Rock-rose | NT | abs | LC | |
Vicia orobus | Wood Bitter-vetch | NT | VU | LC | S.42 |
Vicia parviflora | Slender Tare | VU | VU | Not present | |
Viola lutea | Mountain Pansy | LC | NT | LC | |
Viola rupestris | Teesdale Violet | LC | LC | Not present |