BSBI species accounts

The species accounts available on this page provide information on identification, habitat, biogeography, ecology, threats and suitable management for a range of threatened and nationally rare and scarce species that have experienced declines in recent years in Great Britain and Ireland. Many are listed as species of principal importance under Section 41 (England) or Section 42 (Wales) of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act (2006) or feature in the Scottish Biodiversity List.

The accounts provide a review of the available literature in an easily digestible read that we hope will be of interest to botanists, academics, conservationists and land managers alike. They are freely available to download and use, but we ask that a suitable citation is attached that follows the following format: Walker, K.J. & Stroh, P.A. 2014. Carex ericetorum Pollich. Rare Spring Sedge. Species account. [version and year accessed]. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland.

We would like to acknowledge Natural Resources Wales, Natural England and Scottish Natural Heritage for funding the production of these accounts. If you would like further information, please contact Pete Stroh.

Species accounts available to download.

To download an account, click on a species name listed in the Table below. The documents will be periodically updated, and additional accounts will be added to the page on completion. You can also still view c60 species accounts in our Species Accounts archive. *NEW for 2024* You can now also access 797 detailed species accounts prepared by County Recorder Ralph Forbes by visiting the Fermanagh Species Accounts.

species accounts

Table of Species Accounts

Species nameCommon nameGB statusEngland statusWales statusNERC Act 2006
Ajuga pyramidalisPyramidal BugleVUCRNot presentS. 41
Alchemilla acutilobaStarry Lady's-mantleVUVUNot present S.41
Alchemilla glomerulansClustered Lady's-mantleVUENnot present
Alchemilla monticolaVelvet Lady's-mantleENENNot presentS.41
Alchemilla subcrenataLarge-toothed Lady's-mantleENENNot presentS.41
Allium oleraceumField GarlicVULCVU
Alopecurus magellanicusAlpine FoxtailLCNTNot present
Anacamptis morioGreen-winged OrchidNTVULC
Antennaria dioicaMountain EverlastingNCVULC
Apium repensCreeping MarshwortVUENNot present
Bartsia alpinaAlpine BartsiaLCVUNot present
Betula nanaDwarf BirchLCCRNot present
Blysmus compressusFlat-sedgeVUVUVUS.41 & S.42
Carex elongataElongated SedgeLCNTEN
Carex ericetorumRare Spring-sedgeVUVUNot presentS.41
Chamaemelum nobileChamomileVUVUENS.41 & S.42
Cirsium heterophyllumMelancholy ThistleLCNTEN
Cirsium tuberosumTuberous ThistleNTNTVU
Clinopodium acinosBasil ThymeVUVUVUS.41 & S.42
Clinopodium calaminthaLesser CalamintLCNot present
Crepis mollisNorthern Hawk’s-beardENVURES.41
Crepis praemorsaLeafless Hawk's-beardVUNot present
Dianthus armeriaDeptford PinkENENVUS.42
Dianthus deltoidesMaiden PinkNTVUNT
Dianthus gratianopolitanusCheddar PinkVUVUNot present
Dryas octopetalaMountain AvensLCVUEN
Epipactis atrorubensDark-red HelleborineLCLCEN
Equisetum pratenseShady HorsetailLCNTNot present
Euphrasia pseudokerneriChalk EyebrightENVUVU
Festuca altissimaWood FescueLCLCLC
Filago vulgarisCommon CudweedNTNTVU
Genista tinctoriaDyer’s GreenweedLCVULC
Gentiana vernaSpring GentianLCVUNot present
Gentianella campestrisField GentianVUENENS.41 & S.42
Geranium sylvaticumWood Crane’s-billLCNTCR
Gnaphalium sylvaticumHeath CudweedENENCR
Hammarbya paludosaBog OrchidLCVUENS.42
Helianthemum apenninumWhite Rock-roseVUVUNot present
Helianthemum oelandicum subsp. levigatumHoary Rock-roseVUVUNot presentS.41
Herminium monorchisMusk OrchidVUENRES.41
Hypochaeris glabraSmooth Cat’s-earVUVULC
Iberis amaraWild CandytuftVUVUNot present
Juncus compressusRound-fruited RushNTVUEN
Kobresia simpliciusculaFalse SedgeLCLCNot present
Lathyrus aphacaYellow VetchlingVUVU
Lotus angustissimusSlender bird's-foot-trefoilNTNot present
Medicago minimaBur MedickVUVU
Mentha pulegiumPennyroyalENCRCRS.41 & S.42
Meum athamanticumSpignelNTLCVU
Minuartia hybridaFine-leaved SandwortENENNot presentS.41
Minuartia strictaTeesdale SandwortVUENNot present
Myosotis alpestrisAlpine Forget-me-notNYVUNot present
Oenanthe fistulosaTubular Water-dropwortVUVULCS.41 & S.42
Ophrys insectiferaFly OrchidVUVUVU
Orchis militarisMilitary OrchidVUVUNot present
Orobanche reticulataThistle BroomrapeNTNTNot present
Persicaria mitisTasteless Water-pepperVUVUVU
Phleum alpinumAlpine Cat’s-tailLCCRNot present
Polygala amarellaDwarf MilkwortENENNot present
Potentilla argenteaHoary CinquefoilNTNTVU
Potentilla crantziiAlpine CinquefoilLCLCEN
Potentilla fruticosaShrubby CinquefoilNTNTNot present
Potentilla tabernaemontaniSpring CinquefoilLCLCLC
Pseudorchis albidaSmall-white OrchidVUVUCR
Radiola linoidesAllseedNTVULC
Ribes spicatumDowny CurrantLCLCNot present
Rumex aquaticusScottish DockVUNot presentNot present
Saxifraga granulataMeadow SaxifrageLCLCLC
Saxifraga hirculusMarsh SaxifrageVULCNot presentS.41
Sedum villosumHairy StonecropNTVUNot present
Seseli libanotisMoon CarrotNTNTNot present
Sibthorpia europaeaCornish MoneywortLCLCLC
Silene conicaSand CatchflyVUENVU
Silene nutansNottingham CatchflyNTNTNT
Silene otitesSpanish CatchflyENENNot presentS.41
Spiranthes spiralisAutumn Lady’s-tressesNTNTLC
Teesdalia nudicaulisShepherd’s CressNTNTLC
Tephroseris integrifoliaField FleawortENVUVU (subsp. maritima)yes
Trollius europaeusGlobeflowerLCLCLCS.42
Tuberaria guttataSpotted Rock-roseNTabsLC
Vicia orobusWood Bitter-vetchNTVULCS.42
Vicia parvifloraSlender TareVUVUNot present
Viola luteaMountain PansyLCNTLC
Viola rupestrisTeesdale VioletLCLCNot present