BSBI Irish Spring Conference 2024
This year's Irish Spring Conference was held on Saturday 20th April, at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin. It was a really great opportunity to get together with other botanists in the wonderful setting of the Botanic Gardens, and enjoy some first-class talks and workshops on a variety of botanical topics, including:
- Exciting fern finds in County Clare
- Ireland's newest book on aquatic plants - one of its authors was on hand so attendees had a chance to get their hands on a copy!)
- BSBI's fantastic new recording app
- Inside information from the County Recorder of what may be Ireland's most idyllic location!
The full programme for the day can be viewed here and an information sheet was provided with more details of the event and the venue.
BSBI Irish Spring Conference 2023
Our 2023 Irish Spring Conference took place on Saturday 22nd April at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin.
We had a great programme:
- 10.00 - Arrival, check in and refreshments from cafe
- 10.30 - Welcome (Robert Northridge)
- 10.35 - Irish Plant Atlas 2020 Report (John Faulkner)
- 10.50 - Presentation on Plant Atlas 2020
- 11.00 - Working on the Flora of Wexford, start to finish (Paul Green)
- 11.30 - Break
- 11.50 - My First Year as a VCR (Ciarán Flynn)
- 12.05 - Flora and Protected Species of Bull Island (Melinda Lyons)
- 12.55 - Lunch break
- 13.55 - Recording the Irish Flora in the pre-Linnaean era: influences and confluences (Declan Doogue)
- 15.00 - Break
- 15.30 - Old Maps and New Fern Records in the Slieve Aughty Uplands of Galway and Clare (Cilian Roden)
- 16.05 - Fumaria (Fumitory) workshop (Paul Green)
- 16.50 - Close (Robert Northridge)
Irish Conference Archive
If you'd like to know what to expect at an Irish BSBI conference, check out our Conference Archive, where you can read about the events, view slides from the talks, and download some workshop handouts.
BSBI Irish Spring Conference 2022
Our 2022 Irish Spring Conference took place online on Saturday 2nd April. You can click on the links to watch recordings of the talks, or go straight to the BSBI Irish Spring Conference 2022 playlist on our YouTube channel.
- Cliona Byrne: Welcome
- Travelling across Bord na Móna Peatlands, Mark McCorry
- How to identify non-native Alders, Daniel Buckley
- Experiences of a long-serving Vice-county Recorder, Sylvia Reynolds
- A photographic guide to Ireland’s freshwater and riparian plants, Ronan Matson
- Looking for Seagrass along the south coast of Wexford, Mick Berry
- How might the Strawberry-tree Arbutus unedo have come to Ireland, Micheline Sheehy Skeffington
- Rare Plant Project Ireland, Robert Northridge
- Close Micheline Sheehy Skeffington
During the break we showed a slideshow of members' photographs.

Conference Resources
- BSBI Species Account for Marsh Saxifrage
- Co-operation across borders for biodiversity Project
- The Garron Plateau Report
- Epipactis dunensis - a confirmed new addition for the Irish Flora (Scientific Paper)
- The discovery of Dune Helleborine in Ireland, Irish Botanical News 2020
- Gonçalo Santos’ Blog
- The 2021 New Year Plant Hunt
- Distribution of Irish Lady's-tresses in Britain & Ireland
- John Faulkner's Sedge ID notes and Sedge ID table
- Distribution of Cloudberry in Britain & Ireland