2020 County Report for Co. Limerick
Sylvia Reynolds
Taking advantage of the first lockdown in the spring at home in Dublin, I compiled and submitted over 2500 historical Limerick records for the DDb, and validated them in July. When travel restrictions were lifted in the summer, my husband Julian and I met up with Limerick colleagues to check four raised bogs, and they independently did more botanising and recording than we were able to do. During the second lockdown, another outstanding project, ‘pro bono publico’, was to prepare an annotated ‘Inventory of Limerick sites of botanical and habitat interest’, with background and explanatory notes, and including over 160 sites. This document is intended for use by Limerick County Council, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, and other interested parties.
Details of Limerick botanical work in 2020 will be published in Irish Botanical News (2021).