2022 County Report for Co. Limerick
Tanya Slattery
Tanya Slattery took over as VCR from the awe-inspiring Sylvia Reynolds in 2022 with the hopes of sharing the role with another VCR. The position for co-VCR is still open and will hopefully be filled in 2023. In the meantime, Paul Green is providing some much-needed guidance and assistance.
In 2022, a total of 1304 records were uploaded to the DDd in Limerick. Tanya organised a two-day Aquatic Plant Project field training day in Limerick in July with Nick Stewart as the leader. We had extra participants turn up on each day with 14 booked in Limerick City and 16 turning up, and 10 booked in Limerick with 12 turning up. From the event in King’s Island, Limerick City Allium carinatum was noted as being an interesting find on the banks of the Shannon. The group identified a wide range of Salix spp. and a random Epilobium roseum (Pale Willowherb) adjacent to a SuperValu in the city centre was enjoyed by all. Alnus cordata was self-sown at the very last stop of the day. It is the 2nd Limerick record, and first of it being self-sown. From Co Limerick at Lough Gur, Chara contraria was the first hectad (R64) record since 1989, and the star find was Chara subspinosa which hasn’t been reported from the hectad since 1900. Urtica dioica subsp. subinermis from wet woodland by Lough Gur is a new species for the county. During both events, the group enjoyed examining the wide range of aquatic plants in the Abbey River, canals, River Shannon, and in Lough Gur.
A highlight of Tanyas year was meeting with Sylvia and Julian Reynolds over lunch in Limerick, meeting with Paul, Nick and other BSBI legends during the field days and connecting over Whatsapp with the other recorders. Botanical chats are always appreciated.
Tanya hopes that carrying on recording Limericks botany and sharing in this joy of botany can take center stage in 2023 and looks forward to the field events coming up soon. Please do get in touch if you wish to join Tanya in this role. You can get in touch with Tanya at limerick.vcr.bsbi@gmail.com