2023 County Report for Co. Limerick
Oliver Lynch Milner
On the recording front in 2023, it was a quiet year, due to the transition between VCRs. Oliver Lynch Milner took over from Tanya Slattery as the Vice County Recorder in late 2023, with the hopes of continuing in the marvellous footsteps of Tanya Slattery, and Sylvia Reynolds.
In total, 314 records were uploaded to the Database for Co. Limerick. 268 of these records were made by OLM during his first outings as VCR, with the remaining 46 being made by other recorders during their fieldwork, or the submission of casual records.
Other fieldwork in Limerick for 2023 included the 2023 New Year Plant Hunt, yielding 58 records. One hunt occurred this year in Limerick for the NYPH. The usual species such as Cymbalaria muralis (Ivy-leaved Toadflax), Hedera hibernica (Atlantic Ivy), Senecio vulgaris (Groundsel), Veronica persica (Common Field Speedwell), and Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) to name a few were recorded in flower. Before becoming VCR in October 2023, I did some grassland-focused fieldwork on three grassland sites in Co. Limerick for the Masters of Science in plant ecology, I am currently pursuing. During the site visit to the Galtees, it was hoped an observation of Pseudorchis albida (Small White Orchid) would be made at this known site. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.
In 2024, I am to cover monads which have either been not previously surveyed or monads with very few records. Various field meetings are also being arranged for Limerick. While I am happy to do the VCR role solo, I more than welcome expressions of interest for joining me to be co-VCR. You may contact me if this may interest you.