2023 County Report for Staffordshire

John Hawksford

10,154 new monad records for the current decade were made. They were entered into MapMate or the BSBI Recording app and, hence, the BSBI Distribution database. This is a substantial increase as compared to previous years, in spite of the increasing frailty and/or health and/or severe transport problems experienced by most of the long term and more prolific recorders. The number of individuals supplying field data increased to 33, of whom 13 recorded from several, or many different monads.
Details of the most significant records are given in The Annual Plant Report already posted on the Staffordshire page of the BSBI website.
Several plant identification and other queries received in e-mails and the post have all been answered promptly and in detail.

Disappointingly, only a couple of the BSBI previously “inactive” members residing in Staffordshire were able to take part in surveys during the year in spite of offers to provide help and advice with plant recording. These offers included supplying monad lists and maps of relevant localities.
Comparisons and collaboration has been undertaken with the work of Staffordshire Wildlife Trust's Survey Teams.

With the appointment of a Joint Recorder it is hoped to expand activities, including those of organised Field Meetings.