2022 County Report for Nottinghamshire
Mark Woods
Probably the quietest year for field recording in Notts since 2000, but the Biological Records Centre and several other regular recorders were still active and to date more than 15,000 records (1050+ species) have been processed and submitted to the database (on 27/12/2022). More will follow in the coming months, but a list of the interesting finds and new records has been compiled.
In my role as the joint VC recorder for Notts, I have update and edited the Local Wildlife Sites criteria for habitats in the county, updated the plants criteria and now Chair the committee. I have also contributed to the Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Opportunity Mapping workshops. A collaborative exercise to target conservation effort.
I have assisted and co-ordinated research for post-graduate students at Nottingham Trent University for the re-introduction and expansion of rare plants in the county. The latest being a study of Vaccinium myrtillus as an epiphyte on dead veteran trees at Birklands and Bilhaugh SSSI.
Instead of fieldwork, most of my spare time in 2022 has been spent writing species captions, and checking county records and maps for the pending county flora - approximately half of the species captions are complete.