2022 County Report for Breconshire
John Crellin and Mike Porter
- A challenge to re-find Adoxa moschata in monads where it was last recorded before 2000 was taken up with enthusiasm in the early part of the year by Brecknock Botany Group members, resulting in the species being re-found in 21 monads and additionally found for the first time in 36 monads.
- Brecknock Botany Group had 34 recording days, not all led by a recorder, and several members spent additional time exploring “unrecorded monads”.
- In addition, there were five indoor “off season” meetings to discuss and learn generally about botany and the county.
- Support for WTSWW included a day at Llangorse with the trust’s Local Wild Life Group in addition to regular liaison / field visits with local staff.
- Two SENTA (Sennybridge Army Range) conservation committee meetings were attended.
- Two visits to SSSI’s with NRW staff.
Support for a local estate wishing to improve biodiversity on their land undertaken by several BBG members. - Work on typing and editing the forthcoming Flora for the county (written by Mike) is at about the halfway stage.
Picture: Thalictrum minus ( Lesser Meadow-rue)
The population along the Wye in Brecknockshire and Radnorshire has been treated as a separate species, T. expansum Jord by R W Butcher