BSBI Handbook: Gentians

Gentians of Britain and Ireland: BSBI Handbook #19

Gentians of Britain and Ireland, BSBI Handbook #19, was published in autumn 2019. The authors are Tim Rich (author of several other BSBI Handbooks and co-editor of the Plant Crib) and Andy McVeigh (County Recorder for Buckinghamshire).

The Handbook is 180 pages long, fully illustrated with colour photographs, line drawings and distribution maps; it covers 18 species and four hybrids. Find out more in this exclusive interview with Tim Rich. You can also view or download Tim's talk about the new Handbook, given at the 2019 BSBI Exhibition Meeting.

Gentians of Britain and Ireland is available as an eBook from the BSBI website or from Summerfield Books and other natural history booksellers (RRP £17.50 (plus postage & packing)).