19. Gentians of Britain and Ireland

Author(s): T.C.G. Rich, A. McVeigh
Editor(s): M. Godfrey
Published: 2019
174 pages with illustrations, photographs and maps
ISBN: 9780901158550
eBook file size: 12.5MB
There can be few more striking, instantly recognisable plants than the beautiful spring gentian or the perennial centaury. However, other British and Irish members of the gentian family may be more difficult to identify for a variety of reasons, including recent origins of closely related taxa, hybridisation, local genetic differentiation and environmental plasticity. Some species are very rare and protected, others are common and widespread.
The aim of Gentians of Britain and Ireland is to provide guidance on gentian identification and summarise what is currently known about them; the research has taken over 25 years to complete.
The handbook includes an introduction, identification guidance and keys, accounts of the 18 species and 4 hybrids in Blackstonia, Cicendia, Exaculum, Centarium, Gentianella and Gentiana, references, glossary and indices with distribution maps, line drawings and colour photographs. 2 appendices described with keys, infraspecific taxa of C. littorale and C. erythraea.