2022 County Report for East Inverness-shire

Andy Amphlett

8668 records have, so far, been added to the DDb for 2022, plus 3895 pre-2022 records, including historic, mostly pre-1950 records, missing from the DDb. Additional information was also added to records for which only summary information was available on the DDb.

In 2022 702 taxa were recorded in 36 hectads, 178 tetrads and 307 monads. 730 records of 112 RPR taxa were made. All records were at monad or better precision, with 84% at 100m precision or better. 32 recorders contributed records, but 8 people made 98% of the records, and 73% of the records were made by the VCR. All records have been verified and validated.

Recording mostly targeted locations with few or no previous records, and 61% of the taxon monad records were new. Detailed surveys of RPR taxa included Arctostaphylos alpinus (Alpine Bearberry) in the Monadhliath Mountains, using aerial photography to identify areas of likely habitat, and Diphasiastrum × issleri (Issler's Clubmoss) on Meall Tionail above Glen Feshie.

13 new taxa were recorded (12 aliens). 7 taxa were recorded for the first time post-1999.

A major paper was written and published in British & Irish Botany "A review of the vascular plant flora of the Cairngorms Connect project area, Scotland, and some possible implications of forest expansion to the natural tree line".

Cotula alpina (Alpine Cotula) at Cawdor Castle

Cotula alpina (Alpine Cotula / Alpine Buttonweed)

Cawdor Castle. Found by Ian Green. Patch on gravel of car park and several patches in lawns. These are the first records for vc96 and the first Scottish records away from the NW Highlands, where it is well established in vc105, with one site in vc108.

Hypopitys monotropa at Coylumbridge, 4th August 2022

Hypopitys monotropa (Yellow Bird's-nest)

Found by Calum McLennan and reported via iNaturalist. Re-found, on the second attempt of searching, by Andy Amphlett and Gus Routledge. The first vc96 record since 1875. 125 fruiting stems at 6 locations within a single monad. Fred Rumsey confirmed that the plants were subsp. hypophegea.

Nothofagus × dodecaphleps (Southern Beech)

Single planted trees at two locations. First records for Scotland. ID confirmed by Cameron Crook. The hybrid between N. obliqua  and N. alpina.