2021 County Report for East Inverness-shire
Andy Amphlett, Adam Fraser
35 recorders contributed 7860 records in 2021, of 735 taxa, with 5 recorders collecting more than 500 records each. The records were uploaded to the DDb, and all have been verified and validated. In addition, 3024 pre-2021 records were uploaded to the DDb. Records were collected from 188 tetrads (307 monads). All records were made at monad or better precision, with 65% at 100m or better precision. 50% of the records were new taxon × monad records, and 27% were new taxon × tetrad records. 6% of records (479) were of RPR taxa.
Dan Watson, Jim McIntosh, Matt Parrat and Jeff Waddell undertook an expedition to West Affric in search of alpine plants - and here is the talk about the West Affric expedition that Jeff presented at the Scottish Botanist Conference.
Covid restrictions encouraged completion of a paper on Birch taxonomy and identification.
27 taxa new to vc96 were recorded and 7 species were recorded for the first time post-1999.