2021 County Report for East Inverness-shire

Andy Amphlett, Adam Fraser

35 recorders contributed 7860 records in 2021, of 735 taxa, with 5 recorders collecting more than 500 records each. The records were uploaded to the DDb, and all have been verified and validated. In addition, 3024 pre-2021 records were uploaded to the DDb. Records were collected from 188 tetrads (307 monads). All records were made at monad or better precision, with 65% at 100m or better precision. 50% of the records were new taxon × monad records, and 27% were new taxon × tetrad records. 6% of records (479) were of RPR taxa.

Dan Watson, Jim McIntosh, Matt Parrat and Jeff Waddell undertook an expedition to West Affric in search of alpine plants - and here is the talk about the West Affric expedition that Jeff presented at the Scottish Botanist Conference.

Covid restrictions encouraged completion of a paper on Birch taxonomy and identification.

27 taxa new to vc96 were recorded and 7 species were recorded for the first time post-1999.

Crocus biflorus (Silvery Crocus)

1st post 1999 record for Scotland (Ian Green)

Crocus chrysanthus (Golden Crocus)

2nd Scottish record (Ian Green)

Crocus sieberi (Sieber's Crocus)

5th Scottish record (Ian Green)

Muscari botryoides (Compact Grape-hyacinth)

6th Scottish record (Ian Green)

Rhododendron thomsonii

1st record in the wild in Britain & Ireland (Andy Amphlett)

Spergularia bocconei (Greek Sea-spurrey)

A remarkable range extension of this south-western species (Ian Green). Also multiple records in vc75 this year.

Taraxacum exsertum (Pale-green Dandelion)

1st post 1999 record for Scotland (Sue Thomas)

Verbascum blattaria (Moth Mullein)

2nd post 1999 record for Scotland (Ian Green)

Hieracium nitidum (Shining-leaved Hawkweed)

1st vc record since 1951 (Ian Green)

Erythronium dens-canis (Dog's-tooth-violet)

1st vc record since 1967 (Sue Thomas)

Linum usitatissimum (Flax)

1st vc record since 1975 (Andy Amphlett)

Daphne laureola (Spurge-laurel)

1st vc record since 1976 (Ian Green)