2022 County Report for South Lancashire

David Earl

Thus far for 2022 there are 14,500+ on Mapmate or awaiting importation and a
further 16,000+ on iRecord bringing the total known number of records for 2022 to
over 30,500. There are additional records on iNaturalist which await verification.

The iNaturalist City Nature Challenge took place from 29th of April to 2nd of May and
produced around 1500+ records for Greater Manchester, 2,900+ Lancashire and an
amazing for 4,800+ for Merseyside. Excursions included an exploration of Croxteth
Park, Liverpool with the Liverpool Botanical Society.

The main administrations activities were verifying vascular plant records on iRecord
and to a lesser extent on iNaturalist and over the autumn months that of editing of
vague date class records held on Mapmate.
Limited progress has been made capturing iNaturalist and iRecord and Local Record
Centres for the forthcoming Flora of South Lancashire during 2022 but this should be
stepped up during 2023.

Interesting Finds

Poa infirma was discovered at Charnock Richard Services SD5415 by P Stanley, a
new record for the vice-county.

Selaginella kraussiana (Krauss's Clubmoss) was found at Ince Blundell SD3203 by D
Callender and it remains to be seen if the plants will have survived the frosts of 2022-

A further population of Ranunculus auricomus (Goldilock Buttercup) was found by S
Cross on the Liverpool Botanical excursion to Croxteth Park.

A tree considered to be Aesculus flava (Yellow Buckeye) was found on the Liverpool
Botanical excursion to Croxteth Park with the earliest record traced for the vice-
county being from Calderstones Park, Liverpool by SJ McWilliam in 2015.