2022 County Report for Co. Leitrim
Eamon Gaughan, Aoife Delaney
Most 2022 recording In Leitrim was done during the earlier half of year. The latest records were collected on October 30th. A total of 5,188 records were uploaded to the DDB. Some of the notable finds were;
- Jan 9th Miscanthus sinensis (Chinese Silver Grass) on a bog track; first record for Leitrim.
- February 23rd White flowered Centaurium erythraea (Common Centaury) on a forest track in February! See photo.
- Two more sightings of Epilobium pedunculare (Rockery Willowherb); the first Leitrim record was in 2021.
- April 11th New hectad site for Lathraea squamaria (Toothwort) near Manorhamilton. Spotted by Nuala McNulty who lives nearby.
- Two new sites for Carex pallescens (Pale Sedge), one a new hectad.
- June 22nd New hectad site for Carex aquatilis (Water Sedge) at Lough Nahoo near Dromahair
- June 22nd Galium album (Hedge Bedstraw) in roadside hedgerow by Lough Nahoo.
Records were collected from several monads which had few or no previous records helping to build up the botanical profile of the county which is now reasonably well recorded but there is more work to be done especially with aquatic species and some others that have been overlooked in the past.