2021 County Report for North Aberdeenshire
David Elston & David Welch
Three activities of note were undertaken in during the year, and these together with additional visits led to some interesting (re)discoveries for which the year of last records are given in parentheses.
1. On 17th July, successful visit with Richard Lansdown to collect Carex maritima (Curved Sedge) seed for the Millennium Seed Bank from Broad Haven (NK0530). See photo below.
2. On 8th July, botanical survey of Den Wood, Oldmeldrum, for site owners the Woodland Trust, resulting in 298 records being made involving 103 taxa across the eight management compartments.
3. In August and September, trial SHARPP visits which confirmed some of the reservations expressed about the recording form.
Discoveries / refinds
1. Cornus suecica (Dwarf Cornel) refound near Creag an Sgor (SHARPP Target) and Salix herbacea (Dwarf Willow) refound on summit rocks in transit (both 1979).
2. Galium boreale (Northern Bedstraw) refound at Muckle Long Hill, the site of last VC record (1992), whilst failing to find Minuartia verna (Spring Sandwort) on Brown Hill (1980).
3. Hieracium strictiforme (Strict Hawkweed) refound at Cabrach (1988) prior to seeking Euphrasia nemorosa (Common Eyebright) nearby.
4. Festuca vivipara (Viviparous Fescue), 3rd site for VC, found when visiting Suie Hill to search in vain for Genista anglica (Petty Whin)(1999).
Introductions / escapes
1. Prunus cerasus (Dwarf Cherry) found at Aberdour, 2nd hectad in VC.
2. Rosa arvensis (Field-rose) found at Rhynie, 4th site for VC, along with Mentha × villosa (Apple-mint) and Geranium lucidum (Shining Crane's-bill) (few 2000+ VC records for either).
3. Carex riparia (Greater Pond-sedge) found establishing where presumed planted by a pond at Oyne, 6th site for VC.