2024 County Report for East Perthshire

Martin Robinson

Recording was at quite a low level this year, but with lists provided by visitors the total came to 2,311.  Four taxa were new to the vice-county.  The main event was Mark Lynes’s Alchemilla field meeting, which was centred on upper Gleann Beag (Glenshee) and Fealar.  Those present were able to familiarise themselves thoroughly with Alchemilla glomerulans and A. wichurae, and also saw A. sciura.  The latter was seen to just creep over the county boundary along the edge of the ski car-park, becoming the first firm record for v.c.89.  The meeting also provided a good opportunity at Fealar to see Trichophorum cespitosum (Northern Deergrass) together with T. germanicum (Common Deergrass) and their hybrid.

Some more surveying was done for Perth & Kinross Council, during which a superb oxbow was visited, disconnected from the river Isla.  In the swamp were large single-species stands of Bidens cernua (Nodding Bur-marigold) and Comarum palustre (Marsh Cinquefoil), with some Lysimachia thyrsiflora (Tufted Loosestrife).  A feature that became apparent during explorations of the river Isla was the complete dominance of Impatiens glandiflora (Himalayan Balsam) along the banks, forming impenetrable thickets along much of its length.

The main achievement of the year was the publication of ‘The Special Plants of East Perthshire’, a totally revamped version of the Rare Plant register, with photos and maps.