2023 County Report for Mid Ebudes
Lynne Farrell
Liasied and visited several local conacts on Mull, who help with botanical matters. E-mail communications with botanical helpers on Coll and Tiree maintained.
Main effort was on SHARP species including Sorbus rupicola for which we found some new populations. In Sep. We concentrated on updating records for aquatic and emergent species not seen since the Scottish Lochs Survey in 1994. We successfully refound Subularia aquatica, Elatine hexandra in 2 lochans, and several Potamogeton species in other lochans. Teesdalia nudicaulis at its lowland river site was resurveyed. Coastal species such as Salicornia eiropaea, Suada mariyima, and Ruppia maritima also updated at several sites.