Taraxacum pachylobum “Thick-lobed Dandelion”
Section: Ruderalia
A rare and probably impermanent casual with a scattering of records across much of Britain. Road verges, paths, waste places etc..
A medium-sized dandelion with multi-leaved rosettes of prostrate to ascending lanceolate multilobed leaves. Petioles red with clearly demarcated parallel green wings; mid-rib red, somewhat hairy. Leaf side-lobes 5-7 (-8), regular, triangular, patent, entire to 1-dentate. Leaves heterophyllous; outer leaves with a small acute triangular end-lobe; inner leaves with a larger obtuse to rounded end-lobe. Scapes hairy. Exterior bracts rather narrow, <3.5 mm. wide, pruinose when young, pale greyish above, spreading to erect, becoming omnidirectional.
Most likely to be confused with T. stereodes which shares prostrate multilobed leaves and very hairy scapes, but that species has narrower petioles which are white on outers.