Taraxacum multicolorans “Many-coloured Dandelion”
Section: Ruderalia
Native. Rather frequent in humid meadows and similar localities from Devon and Somerset to south-east Wales and the Severn Valley. Scattered and possibly introduced elsewhere north to Teeside, but may be native to species-rich meadows in central southern England.
A dark green species with narrowly oblong erect leaves, usually with dark blotches at the interlobes. Petioles rather long, winged, red with green wings. Leaf side-lobes 2-4, triangular, acute, often alternate, interspersed by rather long interlobes with several rather regular fine teeth. Leaf end-lobes obtuse to rounded, short on outer leaves, becoming long and dentate to subdivided. Exterior bracts greyish, bordered, recurved, rather short and wide. Capitulum rather dark yellow, styles yellowish when dry. Most likely to be confused with T. nitidum which has shiny leaves with large acute teeth and acute (-obtuse) end-lobes. The styles discolour when dry. However, some specimens are difficult to assign definitely between these species.