Joan’s Hill Farm Plantlife Nature Reserve, Checkley,

Herefordshire 8th June 2024
recording general
led by
Jonathan Stone, Sarah Shuttleworth

Joint with Plantlife

At Joan’s Hill Farm there are around 40 acres of neutral hay meadow to explore, as well as traditional orchards and a small area of broadleaved woodland. Species of note include Silaum silaus (Pepper-saxifrage), Genista tinctoria (Dyer’s Greenweed) and Orchids Anacamptis morio (Green-winged), Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Common Spotted) and Platanthera chlorantha (Greater Butterfly). We will also look out for Dactylorhiza maculata (Heath Spotted-orchid) and the hybrid Dactylorhiza x transiens. A single spike of Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Southern Marsh-orchid) appeared for the first time in 2022 and we hope to re-find it.  This meeting is suitable for beginners and more experienced botanists. Please bring a packed lunch. Numbers may be limited.

Meet at 11:00am at Forestry England’s Haugh Woods Car Park (SO59233657) where it is free to park. From the car park, there is a 1 km walk on forest tracks to reach the reserve.

Jonathan Stone is Nature Reserves Manager for Plantlife - contact him to book and for further information.
