Grasses, Sedges and Rushes for Absolute Beginners

14th January 2025
training beginners

Grasses, Sedges and Rushes for Absolute Beginners
Jen Farrar, BSBI Northern Ireland Botanical Skills Officer

In this webinar we will be looking at the vegetative and flower characteristics of grasses, sedges and rushes.

The webinar will focus on clearly showing how the leaf and stem, flower and flowering stem characteristics vary across the three groups and how to tell them apart.

The groups will then be studied individually and in more depth the leaf and stem and flower characteristics of each that are important when identifying a plant to genus and species.


The webinar will begin at 7:00pm. You will only be able to view the video and audio of the speaker and panellists but a Q&A feature will be live throughout for questions, which we will try to get through in the course of the evening.

This webinar is made possible thanks to DAERA-funding for our Botanical Skills Project in Northern Ireland.