An extensive limestone quarry with a wide range of species-rich communities, including exposed rock outcrops, thin-soiled turf and flushed areas. We should see several rare and interesting taxa of these habitats (such as Gentianella amarella subsp. amarella (Autumn Gentian), Erigeron acris (Blue Fleabane) and Hypopitys monotropa (Yellow Bird's-nest)) as well as a good selection of sedges, whitebeams and the more widespread, characteristic species of limestone habitats. Some steep slopes and rough terrain but fantastic views and impressive local wildlife.
Meet: 10:30 am at Pwll Du (plenty of roadside parking at S0244118), walk to quarry and car share to Clydach. Note: Steep upland terrain with rocky areas. Attendees will need good wind and waterproof outdoor gear and walking boots.
When booking, please remember to provide a mobile contact number.