2020 County Report for Dumfriesshire

Christopher Miles

After the Dumfriesshire Botany Group met on 10 March to look back at 2019 and forward to what we would do in 2020 we went into lockdown.

Botanical recording thereafter followed government guidance through it various versions. We were variously restricted to walking from home, only travelling within 5 miles from home, botanising as single households or with a maximum of 5 households. Across the County we still were able to come up with some interesting finds. This Summary of highlights was presented at the Scottish Botanists' Conference. In all we were able to send over 5k records to the Ddb.

Only four of the planned meetings of the Dumfriesshire Group took place. In all of these meetings we were restricted to a maximum of 5 households.  Accounts of these meetings can be seen here:

Time was spent bringing the Dumfriesshire RPR up to date and that is now available on the web page here

Dumfriesshire Rare Plant Register 2020.