2023 County Report for Co. Waterford

Andrew Malcolm Ann Trimble Julie Larkin

2023 H6 VCR Report

Andrew Malcolm, Ann Trimble, Julie Larkin

The previous year we hadn’t been in a position to carry out any field trips for the county, but this was rectified in 2023 as we organised two trips to run on consecutive days in June. The first was lead by Julie and Ann, with the very welcome help and guidance of Paul Green, on 10th June, at the Cunnigar which is a large sand spit located in Dungarvan bay. The large number of Anacamptis Pyramidalis were an expected find but less predictable were the several specimens of Ophrys Apifera also found on the day. Carduus Tenuiflorus was also an exciting find.

The next day Andrew joined the other two VCRs and Paul and we walked around Glenshelane Woods in Cappoquin. The Pinguicula Grandiflora found earlier in the year had largely finished flowering but a few examples remained to show to the enthusiastic participants. This is the only known location for the plants in the county. A number of Euphorbia Hyberna plants were an interesting find growing beside the river. We then took some of the group members to have a look at several Neottia Nidus Avis that we’d unexpectedly found near Ann and Andrew’s home.

Other exciting finds throughout the year included two new hectad records - the first being Dryopteris Carthusiana observed at Belle Lake and Dactylorhiza kerryensis observed at the base of the Knockmealdown mountains. Chara globularis was also recorded at Bellelake, for the first time in approximately 40 years. It is the only record of this species for the county.