2023 County Report for North Devon

Bob Kirby, Bob Hodgson

Over ten thousand records have been gathered, twenty-six for taxa new to the vice-county (with a dozen more awaiting confirmation). Over a hundred and seventy-five records involved plants known to be very rare in Devon, most being neophytes.

BH has been active mostly within VC3 (in which he lives), with a few excursions northward into VC4. BK’s spring recording focussed on LORE targets, with Stellaria pallida (Lesser Chickweed), Asplenium obovatum (Lanceolate Spleenwort), and Helleborus viridis (Green Hellebore) found in previous haunts. Later trips focused on tetrads that had either no significant recording since 2003 or a very high apparent biodiversity loss. These picked up fast-spreading neophytes, and revealed how some apparent biodiversity loss can be an artefact of a tetrad’s recording history. His year was rounded off updating lists for a number of suburban areas.

Supported was provided for a BioBlitz, run by South West Water, and several field meetings were organised for the Devonshire Association’s Botany Section.

Visits to recorded sites for Limonium binervosum agg. (Rock Sea-lavender) have helped to provide a better understanding of the taxa probably present, in the hope of eventually recording them in more detail. Work has also been undertaken with a view to trying to update Rubus coverage.

S. Desjardine (of Leicester University) was assisted in his investigation of a distinctive form of Parapholis (Hard-grass) found in the SW.

A report of Geum macrophyllum (Large-leafed Avens), took BK to Lydford Forest where he found it well established and spreading into adjacent areas.

Ailanthus altissima (Tree-of-heaven)

Found escaping into woodland at Yarnacott by Bob Kirby.

Anemone pavonina (Peacock Windflower)

Found naturalizing in a churchyard at Instow Town by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Avena nuda (Naked Oat)

Found amongst a birdseed spill assemblage in Tiverton by Bob Kirby.

Betula utilis var. jaquemontii (Himalayan Birch)

A form lacking the striking white bark of most planted examples. Found amongst B. pubescens (Downy Birch) at Brownsham Woods by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Campanula rotundifolia (Harebell)

Found amidst rocks at Yes Tor by David Barden, very rare in VC4.

Carex comans (New Zealand Hair-sedge)

Found as a pavement weed at Yarnacott by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Clerodendrum trichotomum (Glory-bower)

Found naturalizing in a churchyard and escaping onto a roadside in Dalton by Bob Hodgson and Bob Kirby.

Cornus sanguinea subsp. australis (Dogwood subspecies)

Found in several locations (inc. Barnstaple, Tiverton, Okehampton, and Roadford Lake)by Bob Kirby, Stephanie Kirby, and Bob Hodgson, previously unrecorded, but potentially overlooked.

Cosmos sulphureus (Yellow Cosmos)

Found on a mound of excavated sub-soil at Barnstaple by Bob Kirby. It had apparently spread from biodiversity plantings elsewhere on the site.

Crataegus × lavalleei (Lavallée's Cockspurthorn)

Found, used for landscaping, in Barnstaple by Bob Kirby.

Eryngium giganteum (Tall Eryngo)

Young plants found as a gutter weeds in Barnstaple by Bob Kirby.

Eryngium planum (Blue Eryngo)

Found as a pavement weed in Tiverton by Bob Kirby and bob Hodgson.

Helleborus × hybridus (Hybrid Lenten-rose)

Found naturalizing in a burial ground at Tawstock by Bob Kirby.

Hypericum hirsutum (Hairy St. John’s Wort)

Found on waste-ground at Morchard Road by Bob Hodgson and Bob Kirby.

Laphangium luteoalbum (Jersey Cudweed)

Diminutive plants discovered in a coach-park at Marwood by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Lemna valdiviana (Valdivia Duckweed)

Found naturalised in a pond at Marwood by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Ligularia fischeri (Fischer's Leopard Plant)

Found in a green lane near Dolton by Bob Hodgeson and Bob Kirby.

Malva alcea (Greater Musk-mallow)

Found as a pavement weed in Tiverton by Bob Hodgson and Bob Kirby

Malva trimestris (Mallow Royal)

Found as a roadside casual in Tiverton by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Mitella ovalis (Oval-leaved Miterwort)

Found on a verge at Docton Mill by Bob and Stephanie Kirby. Likely to have escaped from adjacent ornamental gardens where it was naturalised in the lawns.

Phedimus kamtschaticus var. ellacombeanum (Ellercombe’s Stonecrop)

Found colonizing the doorway sills of some disused garages in Tiverton by Bob Kirby.

X Phyllosasa tranquillans 'Shiroshima'

Found introduced and naturalizing at Saunton, and also as an escapee at Combe Martin, by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Pittosporum colensoi (Rautāwhiri)

Young plant, self seeded from nearby parent. Found in Barnstaple by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Polycarpon tetraphyllum (Four-leaved Allseed)

Appears to be spreading in Bideford, where it was found at several new sites by Bob Kirby.

Pterocarya × rehderiana (Hybrid Wingnut)

Found planted as a landscaping tree in Barnstaple by Bob Kirby.

Rosa glauca (Red-leaved Rose)

Found, bird-sown, in a cemetery in Tiverton by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Salvia hispanica (Chia)

Found as a pavement weed on an industrial site at Roundswell, near Barnstaple, by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.

Sorbus thibetica 'John Mitchell' (Thibetan Whitebeam cultivar)

Found as a street tree in Barnstaple by Bob Kirby.

Sorbus × thuringiaca 'fastigata' (German Service-tree cultivar)

Found as a street tree in Tiverton by Bob Kirby.

Tsuga canadensis (Eastern Hemlock)

Several young self-sown saplings found near Parkham, by Bob & Stephanie Kirby.

Vinca difformis (Intermediate Periwinkle)

Found escaped and naturalized in woodland at Yarnacott by Bob and Stephanie Kirby.