2022 County Report for Co. Armagh
John Faulkner
This year can be summed up as a decent sprinkling of interesting records in a matrix of ordinary ones. These two categories divide very unequally between my own (nearly all of the matrix) and those contributed by others (about half of the interesting ones).
- Much of my work has been targeted tetrad bashing in squares with few post-2000 records.
- After this year’s work, there remain fewer than 50 to be recorded to complete the coverage needed for the projected Flora.
- As expected, many of these under-recorded tetrads proved to be in intensively-farmed areas with no semi-natural vegetation, and relatively little botanical interest away from the road verges and occasional minor watercourses.
- My thanks are due to members of BSBI and/or Co. Armagh Wildlife Society who have sent me records and photos of orchids and other rarely encountered species.
- Thanks also to BSBI referees who have confirmed some identifications for me.
- Particular thanks to Robert and Stewart Rosell for taking me along the Lower Blackwater River on a recording trip by canoe.
- The total number of records made was 8,200.
Several introduced species recorded in wild situations for the first time in the vice-county: Ambrosia artemisifolia, Bidens connata, Cotoneaster sternianus, Erinus alpinus, Festuca trachyphylla, Helminthotheca echioides, Koenigia campanulata, Nymphoides peltata, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Parthenocissus triscuspidata, Phedimus hybridus, Setaria pumila.