2022 County Report for Northamptonshire
Alyson Freeman and Brian Laney
- The Northants Flora Group met 4 times during 2022, visiting Badby, Brigstock, Glapthorn and Finedon. We were very happy to welcome several new members to the group. We concentrated on monads with very few records. Brian Laney also hosted a national BSBI meeting at Daventry.
- Difficulties with Mapmate meant that only 6081 records have arrived at the DDb for 2022, but there are more to come from recorders who like to go out alone.
- The Rare Plant Register is now in draft form and is available on our thriving Facebook group, Northamptonshire and Peterborough Botany.
- My favourite find in 2023 was the lone Himantoglossum hircinum, Lizard Orchid, popping up in a new site for VC32 - right by a public footpath!