2022 County Report for Roxburghshire
Jeff Waddell & Rod Corner
2022 was the most productive year for recording ever in vc80, in terms of the number of records collected, with 12,544 records collected of 756 taxa. This was due to one of the VCRs (Jeff) moving back to live on the edge of the county, allowing frequent evening recording sessions after work.
Much of the fieldwork was therefore undertaken in the northern half of the county, within relatively short distance of Galashiels. Several trips wider afield were also undertaken, by Jeff or with the local botany group. 132 monads were visited, with 100+ taxa recorded in 76 of these. The most species rich monad, NY4787, Holm Hill, Newcastleton, had 275 taxa recorded.
Twenty three new vice county records were made, all of which were non-native. Ten of these were trees or shrubs, recorded by Matt Parrat (Betula utilis, Forsythia × intermedia, Fraxinus angustifolia, Picea jezoensis, Pinus banksiana, Pyrus salicifolia, Quercus ilex and Sciadopytis verticilliata), Luke Gaskell (Laburnum × watereri) and Jeff (Lonicera involucrata). Seven were Narcissus recorded by Jeff (“Barrett Browning”, “February Gold”, “February Silver”, “Ice Follies”, “Mount Hood”, “White Lady” and Narcissus poeticus sub spp. recurvus). The remaining six were mostly spring flowering herbs, recorded by Luke (Hyacinthus orientalis & Scilla luciliae), Matt (Hacquetia epipactis & Iris foetidissima) and Jeff (Cardamine heptaphylla & Pastinaca sativa).
Rod Corner visited Floors Castle in May and found Acaena novae-zelandiae (Piri-piri-bur) and Oxalis exilis (Least Yellow-sorrel) in sheets in trackside woodland and Montia fontana ssp. fontana (Blinks) on the moist trackside where it has been present for for 25 years.
Sedum villosum (Hairy Stonecrop) was present on the edge of the old track at Pot Burn house, upper Ettrick and Dryopteris oreades (Mountain Male-fern) on the roadside near Ettrick Kirk normally widespread on screes. The Tima Water gravels between Glenkerry and Gair are being
dominated by invasive Alchemilla mollis (Soft Lady’s-mantle) and are losing their botanical biodiversity.
The photo shows Bowdenmoor south of Melrose, one of the finest areas of unimproved lowland grassland in southern Scotland, where the nationally uncommon (in Scotland) Great Burnet Sanguisorba officinalis has a large population and was recorded in 2022.