2022 County Report for Dunbartonshire

Michael Philip

We’ve been busy in Dunbartonshire in 2022!  The network of field botany enthusiasts launched in 2021 continues to grow (currently 62 people on our contacts list).

We held 20 field outings and several of our number have done recording on their own or in informal groupings.  As a result, we have uploaded well over 19,000 records to the database this year.

Our project to achieve a fresh record at monad level for our entire vice-county in ten years is ahead of target: after our first two years we have re-found over 17,000 monad records and added over 19,000 new monad records - including records for 47 monads never previously recorded.

Highlights of the year have included Ceologlossum viride (Frog Orchid) and our first ever Ophrys apifera (Bee Orchid) - both growing on abandoned red blaes football pitches, but in different towns.  Another urban first vice-county record was Herniaria glabra (Smooth Rupturewort).

One ‘niche’ element is seeking to repeat much of Allan Stirling’s record of Brambles from the 1980s and 90s. 349 monad records have been made, encompassing 23 species, including a first vice-county record for Rubus hylocharis.

Work is underway on the first Rare Plant Register for Dunbartonshire: our next Annual Report will hopefully announce its completion.

Big thanks to many individuals who have led outings, tramped the pavements and waste ground, climbed the hills, squelched across damp moors and compiled lots of data and photographs. The learning and camaraderie have been marvellous - can’t wait to do it all again in 2023!