2021 County Report for Co. Wexford
Paul Green & Paula O'Meara
The main project in 2021 was the writing of the Flora of Co. Wexford, which is well underway, and it is hoped to be published this year. 19117 records were collected during the year. This was made up of 1025 species and hybrids. 23 of these were new county records. There were 239 new hectad records, of these. 763 monads had at least one new species added, and in total there were 858 new monad records in 2021.
Data checking of the DDb continued, as each species account for the Flora of Wexford was written, records for that species were checked. It was alarming how many errors were found. Some could be corrected, and others were deleted.
One BSBI field meeting was held on the coast at Bannow Bay. 18 people attended. This was a training day looking at Salicornia (Glassworts) and Atriplex (Orache).
Two training days took place as part of the BSBI Grassland Project, these were in conjunction with the Wexford Naturalistsˈ Field Club. Both days were over subscribed.