2021 County Report for West Ross & Cromarty
Duncan Donald
I’m grateful to several local residents for records: e.g. Will Soos for Ajuga pyramidalis (Pyramidal Bugle), Jim Alexander for Lycopodiella inundata (Marsh Clubmoss), Nik Bullivant for Salix myrsinites (Whortle-leaved Willow) [from his NPMS plot], and Isobyl la Croix for a set from Port Henderson including Hammarbya paludosa (Bog Orchid). I found Hammarbya myself in a new hectad, as well as updating known sites for Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides (Narrow-leaved Marsh-orchid), Equisetum variegatum (Variegated Horsetail) and Rhynchospora fusca (Brown Beak-sedge); two long-established bushes of Frangula alnus (Alder Buckthorn) near Kinlochewe were presumably unusual bird-sowings.
As usual, many other records emanated from visitors. It has been a good year for ferns, particularly from Roger Golding’s visit to Stromeferry, where he found the Scaly Male-ferns Dryopteris lacunosa, D. [affinis subsp.] pseudodisjuncta, and D. [cambrensis subsp.] pseudocomplexa; Christopher Fraser-Jenkins’ 1986 collection of D. pseudodisjuncta from Stromeferry is now confirmed as its first British record. Further, James Merryweather, Seth Gibson and others determined Dryopteris × deweveri from NG82 … a hectad also well-recorded by Marion Moir, who noted Sorbus rupicola (Rock Whitebeam) still there. The Inverness Botany Group found Lepidium heterophyllum (Smith’s Pepperwort) at Lower Diabaig. The Rough Crew updated Luzula arcuata (Curved wood-rush) from hard-to-access Sgurr nan Ceathramhnan, last reported in 1947; Dan Watson also submitted a set of records from Laide – as did Sue Hazelwood [who also found Cotula squalida (Leptinella) elsewhere] – but I award Dan this year’s palm for finding a new site on An Teallach for Saxifraga cespitosa (Tufted Saxifrage), last reported in 2009.