2021 County Report for East Cork
Edwina Cole & Finbarr Wallace
Despite Covid restrictions 6515 records were made and entered into the BSBI Database for East Cork (H5) in 2021. Most of these were recorded by the VCRs, but a number were from fieldwork in the VC as part of both the Aquatics Plant Project and Irish Grasslands Project.
The annual BSBI East Cork field event went ahead in July 2021. Although attendance numbers were restricted, 9 plant enthusiasts spent a lovely sunny morning at Ardnahinch Beach learning about coastal species. A highlight of the day was finding a plant of the near threatened Crambe maritima (Sea Kale) in the dune vegetation.
East Cork benefitted from one of the Irish Grasslands Project training days during the summer. The day was led by Paul Green in the north of the county at Doneraile Estate. The site was botanically diverse with hundreds of Dactylorhiza kerryensis (Irish Marsh-orchid) growing in the meadow there. Excitingly, Bromus racemosus (Smooth Brome) was added to the East Cork flora during the day.
The native Alchemilla filicaulis subsp. vestita (Hairy Lady’s-mantle) was another addition to the East Cork flora in 2021.
East Cork was also a venue for the Aquatics Plant Project in August where Nick Stewart and some aquatic-loving botanists visited 3 lakes – Lough Aderry, Ballyhonock Lake and Ballybutler Lough, resulting in some 61 records.