2024 County Report for Berwickshire

Robin Cowe


This year, nearly four thousand records were collected across the county by ten recorders. I updated the RPR for Berwickshire with the new sites and plants discovered in the last decade.


St Abbs Head had a Bioblitz, which I attended to record the vascular plants at the Head. I also did a two-day project to re-record the Astragalus danicus with the help of the rangers after finding a map by Michael Braithwaite of the distribution of PMV in 2004/ 2006. I wrote a small PDF of my findings; the short version is that little has changed, and the plant is doing well.


The NYPH took in Coldstream, Eyemouth, Ayton, Chirnside, Reston, Paxton, and Auchencrow, with several recorders putting down a record for these villages for future years.


The record of the year was Calystegia soldanella (Sea bindweed) found at the edge of Pease Bay Caravan Park. This was a first for Berwickshire on the tiny eroding dunes of the Sands.

Allium scorodoprasum (Sand Leek)

A first in Berwickshire for 25 years on the banks of the Tweed near Coldstream.

Aremonia agrimonoides (Bastard agrimony)

Just outside Earlston, last seen in 1969 by Albert Long

Vicia lathyroides (Spring vetch)

Last seen at St Abbs Head in 1984 by Michael Braithwaite. Also at Millar’s Moss.