Irish Autumn Meeting & AGM archive

Below you'll find details from previous BSBI Ireland Autumn Meetings.

If you're looking for information on the most recent Autumn Meeting, or details for the next one, please check the Irish Autumn Meeting & AGM page.

If you are on Twitter, you can also see tweets from our Autumn Meetings at the hashtag #BSBIAutumnMeeting

2021 Irish Autumn Meeting

We had a great programme of talks at the Irish Autumn Meeting & AGM in 2021, which was held online on Saturday, 25th September. The programme is below and recordings of the talks are available to watch again by clicking the links or via the BSBI Ireland 2021 Autumn Meeting playlist.


2020 Irish Autumn Meeting

The 2020 Autumn Meeting and AGM took place on Saturday, 26 September. The programme can be viewed here.

The meeting began with a welcome from BSBI President Lynne Farrell. This was followed by a series of talks covering Atlas 2020 (Robert Northridge), the National Plant Monitoring Scheme in Northern Ireland (Abbie Maiden), the Rare Plant Monitoring Scheme run by the National Biodiversity Data Centre (Una Fitzpatrick), and the Irish Grasslands Project (Maria Long). All four talks from the meeting can be viewed on the BSBI Ireland Autumn Meeting playlist.

We had a short break before the formal AGM, where Committee for Ireland Officers reported on the work of BSBI in Ireland this year, and new appointments to the Committee for Ireland were voted in.

2019 Irish Autumn Meeting

The 2019 Irish Autumn Meeting took place on Saturday 21st September at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin.

The meeting featured talks from John Conaghan on the Clifden Field Meeting, Rory Hodd on the Rough Crew, Aoife Delaney on the first season of the Leitrim Botany Group, and Paul Green on the Aquatic Plant Project.

This was followed by two talks by Nick Stewart. The first highlighted the importance of Ireland's unique and varied aquatic habitats, while the second focused on some particularly tricky elements of aquatic plant identification.

The final element of the day was the AGM, which saw Edwina Cole elected as the new Chair for the Committee for Ireland.

2018 Irish Autumn Meeting

The 2018 Irish Autumn Meeting featured talks on the Rare Plants Monitoring Scheme, the BSBI Charophyte course and 'Atriplex around the Irish coast'. County Recorders from across Ireland reported on botany in their local patch, and the day finished with the Irish AGM. Click to see the full BSBI Ireland Autumn Meeting Programme.

2017 Irish Autumn Meeting

The BSBI Ireland Autumn Meeting 2017 was a huge success, with some great talks, a willow workshop, a fieldtrip to Carlingford Lough to look at Atriplex and Salicornia...

You can still see the flyer here and find out what you missed!