External Training Courses

On this page we list plant ID training courses run by external providers. Please check the lists below and use the links to find out more and to contact the providers direct about registering for a training course. You may also wish to visit our webpage with details of BSBI's in-house courses and training opportunities. We would also like to point you towards online training courses provided by BSBI member/ botanical trainer Josh Styles at British Botany (Josh was the tutor on our very popular Dandelion and Fern ID online courses).

If you hear of any other plant ID training courses not listed below, please let us know so we can share details on this page but note that we are not endorsing any of these courses, simply providing information.

If you have attended an online course, why not write a review for our News & Views blog and let everyone know what you thought about it? Email us for details of how to submit your review.

Other University courses

There are no longer any universities offering degree courses called simply 'Botany' but the following offer BSc and MSc degrees in plant sciences with some botany/ plant ID/ molecular and crop sciences studies/ herbarium studies: