BSBI supported the State of Nature partnership in 2013, and in 2016 and again in 2019. The data collected by our recorders fed into the published reports. We also supported the State of the World's Plants & Fungi 2020 report.
Now BSBI is proud to be a partner once again as the State of Nature 2023 report is published.
BSBI Head of Science, Dr Kevin Walker, who contributed to the report, said "Some of the most stark findings in the State of Nature report are drawn from the BSBI's Plant Atlas 2020, launched earlier this year. This landmark publication, the most in-depth survey of the British and Irish flora ever undertaken, was 20 years in the making and involved thousands of BSBI volunteer members and supporters.
"Plant Atlas 2020 showed that over half of our native flora has declined over the last century, including familiar species such as Heather and Harebell, due to a multitude of reasons but mainly habitat loss caused by agricultural changes.
"The State of Nature report summarises the main findings but more importantly sets out what we need to do as a society to reverse these declines and put nature back on the road to recovery".
Visit the State of Nature website to find out more.
Read the report in full.
Visit the Plant Atlas 2020 website to find out more about the wild plants mentioned in the State of Nature report. For Plant Atlas 2020 country summaries, press releases, videos, reviews and other resources, please visit this page.
Find out how you can get get started with recording wild plants and contribute to BSBI research to help address biodiversity loss and climate change.