Sending in your New Year Plant Hunt records

  • We've integrated the New Year Plant Hunt survey form into the BSBI Recording App. The special NYPH survey option is now live so please download the app/ recording form onto your device or (if you already have the recording app) enable NYPH recording in the settings (accessed via the menu top left on the app homepage). If you submitted test records in advance, they will have been deleted just before the Hunt started, so remember to open a new survey every time you start a new Hunt over the next 4 days.
  • Please take a few minutes to read through the guidance notes on this page, before you download the recording app. The guidance explains how to use the app and what to do if you run into any problems.
  • The app works on phones (Apple/iPhone and Android), tablets and computers. It's accessed and installable directly from the recording form web page, rather than via app stores.
  • You can add the app to the home page on your phone (just like you can with an app store app) so you can easily access it - just follow the instructions on our documentation website.
  • If you already have an old version of the app on your phone then you'll need to delete it (it won't work any more) and download the new app.
  • You can use the app on your phone while you are out recording, or on your computer once you get home. It's free, quick and easy to use.
  • Not sure what your plant is? The app allows you to upload a photo of an unknown plant and the Support Team will try to identify it for you. Check out our top tips on how to photograph your mystery plant.
  • Records and images submitted via the app will appear on this Results page. From 29th December, you'll be able to click on any marker on the interactive map to see the list of all the plants recorded there. You can also click through to see results from previous years.

New Year Plant Hunt on social media

We hope you will share your finds on social media using the hashtag #NewYearPlantHunt.

The links below will take you straight to our BSBI accounts on the following social media platforms:

But remember that finds posted on social media can only be included in the final total if you also send them to us via the recording app.

And finally...

  • Everyone is welcome to take part in the New Year Plant Hunt - you don't have to be a BSBI member or an experienced botanist - and we'll help you if you get stuck!
  • You can contact the New Year Plant Hunt Support Team if you run into any problems using the app or if you have any questions about this year's Hunt and how to record. Just email us at
  • Please don't use other recording software: we are not able to include records sent to iRecord or added to MapMate.
  • The deadline for getting your records to us is midnight on Sunday 5th January 2025.
  • First time taking part in the Hunt? New to this botany lark? Don't worry, we've put together some useful links and tips if you are just getting started with plant-spotting. If you haven't already, now is the time to sign up for our NYPH spotter sheets. We also have lots of free plant ID resources that you can use. Happy hunting!