Join Kent Botanical Recording Group at Plantlife’s largest nature reserve in England, situated in the beautiful Kent Downs AONB. With Plantlife’s former site manager, Richard, we’ll be seeing an impressive array of arable plants and chalk grassland species. A great opportunity for all, beginners or otherwise, to enjoy species such as Filago pyramidata (Broad-leaved Cudweed), Agrostemma githago (Corncockle), Valerianella dentata (Narrow-fruited Cornsalad), Papaver argemone (Prickly Poppy), Ajuga chamaepitys (Ground-pine), Astragalus glycyphyllos (Wild Liquorice), Malva setigera (Rough Marsh-mallow) and Salvia pratensis (Meadow Clary).
Meet: 10:00 am in the Reserve car park at TQ715675: go through the small parking area just off the A228 and drive about 300 m into the site on the private entrance road (please take care on the blind bend and watch for pedestrians). For satnav, follow ME2 1LA, but stop when you see the car park and small buildings on your left. Bring a packed lunch and have suitable footwear and clothing.