Crohy Head
West Donegal 24th – 25th June 2023recording general
The Crohy Head area is one of the most remote and least developed parts of the Donegal coastline as well as being one of the most scenic. We hope to see Ajuga pyramidalis (Pyramidal Bugle), albeit out of season. Several small lakes need exploring; Eriocaulon septangulare (Pipewort) and Isoetes lacustris (Quillwort) have been found, and pondweed records are required for the area. The lagoon at Maghery is known for its charophytes and for both species of Ruppia (Tasselweed). The extensive dry heath, with characteristic Juniperus communis (Juniper) and Empetrum nigrum (Crowberry) also has many scarcer species; Diphasiastrum alpinum (Alpine Clubmoss) was seen in 1965. We will explore from Terman and Maghery in the north, to Falchorrib and Trawenagh Bay in the south.
Meet each day at the south end of Maghery Strand (B715090), at 10:30. There is plenty of accommodation between there and Dungloe (B7611), but it would be wise to book early. There are trails we can follow, but be prepared for some rough, heathery ground.
When contacting Ralph to book, please give your email address and phone number in case we need to contact you on the days of the field trip.