BSBI Strategy

BSBI Strategic Plan 2024-27

As the publication of our Plant Atlas 2020 demonstrates, in this time of biodiversity loss and a changing climate, our wild plants have never been more in need of the understanding, appreciation and support that BSBI is uniquely placed to provide. BSBI’s 2024-27 Strategic Plan guides our direction for the next three years, building on our past work and taking forward opportunities generated. 

Our Strategy Map (below) outlines our Vision, Mission, Goals and Foundations. These, along with the priorities for the next three years, provide our direction of travel and ambition. 

Our members will always remain central to all we do. BSBI is entirely reliant on, and extremely grateful for, the effort, time and skills contributed by our members and supporters. Our Plan allows our members to be more fully aware of BSBI’s goals and planned activities, and find out exactly how they can contribute towards delivering them and fulfilling BSBI’s potential.

We welcome new ideas and bring these to our annual Forum meeting, to consider for future plans. Our Strategy decision-making criteria help guide our thinking when considering new ideas for activities, projects or ways of working, to ensure everything we do fits with the Strategy and ensures our long-term resilience.  

Since 1836 BSBI has repeatedly re-focused so that we could meet the demands of the times. We have broken new ground and pioneered new approaches while building on a solid base. Now we look forward to working with our members, partners and supporters to make the most of current opportunities and rise up to meet future challenges.

BSBI Strategic Plan 2021-24

BSBI has much to be proud of in terms of all we have achieved in the period of our 2021-24 Strategic Plan, including the publication of Plant Atlas 2020, making our 50+ million records widely available. This is a huge achievement, made possible thanks to the amazing contribution of our members and partners. In addition, our membership has grown by 30%, our events and activities are more popular than ever and our external profile is increasing, resulting in exciting and impactful collaborations.