Cardiganshire, v.c. 46

Flora of Cardiganshire

The most comprehensive source of information on Cardiganshire is Arthur Chater’s Flora, published in 2010. It is available for purchase and to download as an eBook from the BSBI. The physical book is a large volume and has sold out, but some copies have become available on re-sale sites on occasion.

Anyone wishing to use any of the illustrations or who wants permission to do anything more with it should contact the author. Arthur wishes to acknowledge the continuing and invaluable help of Paul Smith, whose expertise and hard work has made this electronic version available.

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Yusef Samari

Cardigan Nature Watch

Informal nature watching and recording walks, in and around the Cardigan area, often with a strong focus on botany. Organised by Yusef Samari, currently roughly bi-monthly. Email if interested.