Taraxacum lunare “Lunar-lobed Dandelion”
Section: Ruderalia
Introduced. Scattered through England and Wales, mostly on the west side. One record from southern Scotland. Rather scarce and nowhere common, but easily overlooked. Waste places, paths, wall bases, gardens, allotments etc.
A rather robust, mid green dandelion with ascending rather broad leaves lacking dark markings. Petioles rather short and narrow, dentate-winged, green. Leaf side-lobes 4-5, long, recurved, sickle-shaped with small acuminate teeth on the distal margin of proximal lobes. Leaf end-lobe relatively small, broadly triangular, not strikingly heterophyllous. Exterior bracts pale, narrow, recurved, becoming reflexed distally. Capitula rather large, to 55 mm in diameter or more, flattish when expanded. Amongst green-petioled species, readily confused with T. aurosulum and T. ochrochlorum both of which have widely winged petioles. T. ekmanii and T. coartatum can also look similar in late-season leaf, but have pink inner petioles although this is not always easily detected.