Taraxacum subhuelphersianum “Light-green Dandelion”
Section: Ruderalia
Introduced and casual. A rare plant recorded from a few scattered sites in England and Wales, often from areas recently resown with introduced grass-seed. Waste places, verges etc. Does not seem to persist long.
A medium-sized plant with somewhat insubstantial, suberect, rather pale greyish-green leaves. Petioles white, narrowly dentate-winged. Leaf side-lobes rather weakly differentiated, 2-3, recurved, irregular and dentate. Leaf end-lobes heterophyllous, but large throughout, broad, dentate, obtusely angled at apex. Exterior bracts pale, recurved, sigmoid in posture. Capitulum small, scarcely exceeding involucre in diameter and convex when expanded, rather pale yellow. Pollen absent. This is one of only three British and Irish Ruderalia which lack pollen (the others are the very different T. cherwellense and T. exsertiforme), but is otherwise rather characterless and might be confused with weak forms of T. ekmanii or T. laticordatum.