St. Athan, Gileston Beach, Fonmon

Glamorganshire 24th July 2021
recording general
led by
Julian Woodman

*UPDATE* This meeting was originally scheduled for 31st July so this is a change of date.

The day will include a mix of arable, pebble beach, saltmarsh and if time allows some species-rich grassland banks on the Lias limestone. The focus of the arable field search will be to see if Ranunculus arvensis (Corn Buttercup) and Scandix pecten-veneris (Shepherd’s Needle) appear this year and if they do, to give an idea of population size. Hopefully, other good arable plants will be seen, including Kickxia spuria (Round-leaved Fluellen), K. elatine (Sharp-leaved Fluellen), Euphorbia exigua, (Dwarf Spurge) and Ranunculus parviflorus (Small-flowered Buttercup). Around or soon after lunch time we will then drive to Gileston beach to take a census of the Galeopsis angustifolia (Red Hemp-nettle) population on the pebble beach, and then search for Bupleurum tenuissimum (Slender Hare’s-ear), Silaum silaus (Pepper-saxifrage) and Oenanthe lachenalii (Parsley Water-dropwort) in the adjacent saltmarsh and brackish grassland. If time allows, and permission can be gained, we will look at some brackish grassland and steep valley grasslands on the Lias Limestone that has some species-rich neutral dry grassland with Petroselinum segetum (Corn Parsley) and Linum bienne (Pale Flax) amongst others.

To book and/ or for further information, contact Julian Woodman with your email address and mobile details.
