Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR

North Lincolnshire 2nd – 3rd August 2025
general beginners
led by
Sarah Lambert

This meeting will take place over two days to enable a thorough exploration of this impressive coastal nature reserve, which stretches for 8 km between Saltfleet and Mablethorpe and contains a wide range of coastal habitats including saltmarsh, mobile and fixed dunes as well as freshwater marsh and ponds. The visit is timed to coincide with flowering of many of the key coastal plants including Limonium spp. (Sea-lavenders), Epipactis palustris (Marsh Helleborine), Salsola kali (Saltwort) and Sagina nodosa (Knotted Pearlwort). The terrain is mostly gentle, though there are steep slopes or steps up a few of the larger fixed dunes. Other coastal and ancient woodland nature reserves are within easy travelling distance of Mablethorpe, which has a plenty of accommodation opportunities. Beginners will be particularly welcome.
